The Pet Adoption Software's main purpose is to aid SPCAs and other similar organizations that promote pets for adoption. It will show the pets to be adopted, and allow users to add, and adopt pets on a daily basis. Each pet added will be given the option of descriptors, and also the chance to express other attributes that may not be descriptive features (i.e., breed, sex, etc.). Administrators can add, delete, and modify users and pets on a daily basis, and modify the message board. All coding will be done in PHP and MySQL.

Version 1.0

Project Pages*
Index Page - Allows non-registered users to view pets. Also allows all users to sign in. New users can register here also. This is the home page. User Names and passwords to the right allow you to explore the demo.

Help Page (General) - This is a help page for general users.
Test createSessionView - This page test the create session view php file.
Test Common.php - This file tests the common.php file.
Test Functions.php - This file tests the functions.php file.

User Type User Name Password
Normal user mu mu
Administrator admin admin

Source Code*
addpet.php - Allows administrator to add pet, also has the code used for editing pets.
- Allows the administrator to add a picture to the pet description or edit the existing picture.
adduser.php - This file lets the administrator add a new user.
commonDB.php - Here are the database commands for this project.
createSessionView.php - This file gets specific user info.
Create Database
- This is the tables creation script.
Database_Entity-relationship Diagram - This is the tables ER.
delete.php - Confirms the deletion of a specified user from the view user page.
deletep.php - Confirms the deletion of a specified pet from the view pets page.
deletepet.php - Deletes the pet from the database
deleteuser.php - This file shows how the user is deleted.
editpet.php - Allows administrator to edit pet information.
edituser.php - Allows the administrator to edit user information.
emptylog.php - Allows the administrator to empty the log.
functions.php - Here are the functions used for this project.
index.php - The home page that non-registered users use and where other users log in.
login.php - Here is the login code.
main.php - This is the main program of the project.
options.php - Used by view pets and view users to sort and search.
testcommon.php - Here is the test code for testing the commonDB.php file.
testfunc.php - Here is the test code for testing the functions.php file.
viewlog.php - Allows the administrator to view and empy log.
viewpet.php - Allows users and administrators to view and/or edit pets in condensed format.
viewuser.php - Allows administrator to view, delete, and add new users.

Project Pages at Sourceforge
Pet Adoption Software Homepage - Our homepage on sourceforge. All source code can be found here.

*All pictures borrowed from the Santa Cruz SPCA site

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To use the software on any other server that supports PHP and MySql, edit the commonDB.php file to contain the database information that corresponds with your ISP. The Create Database link above contains the MySql commands required to setup the tables required to run this software, and auto-populate the tables.  The .Zip file below contains all of the above files.